Sustainable Finance

Sustainable Finance

Sustainable finance incorporates financial services and products which contribute towards a more sustainable economic and social system.
GPSS issues sustainable finance products such as green bonds or sustainability-linked loans, and allocates these funds to a variety of projects with the aim of achieving a sustainable society.

Green Bond

Green bonds are bonds issued by companies and local governments to raise funds for green projects (projects that improve the environment, such as renewable energy, construction and renovation of energy-saving buildings, and prevention and control of environmental pollution).
The funds raised are always used for green projects, and the issuer is required to report periodically on the allocation of funds and the status of environmental improvement to ensure transparency in the use of funds.
Green bond investments are increasing around the world, including in Japan, as society shifts towards environmentally conscious behaviors and alignment with international targets to reduce negative impact on the environment and support the transition towards a climate resilient economy. GPSS discloses information on the status of green bond issuance, its purpose and process, etc. through this website and news releases as follows.

Green Bonds Issuance Status

Subject Issue
Issue Date Redemption Date Overall
Press Release Annual Reporting
(Allocation amount,
JCR Annual Review
GPSS Holdings, Inc.
1st Unsecured
300 2020/7/31 2023/7/31 Green 1 Released on
Released on
Released on
GPSS Holdings, Inc.
2nd Unsecured
500 2021/1/29 2026/1/30 Green 1 Released on
Released on
Released on
GPSS Holdings, Inc.
3rd Unsecured
100 2021/2/26 2026/2/28 Green 1 Released on
Released on
Released on
GPSS Holdings, Inc.
4th Unsecured
100 2021/3/31 2026/3/31 Green 1 Released on
Released on
Released on

Sustainability Linked loan (SLL)

Sustainability linked loans (SLL) are financing mechanisms to support and promote the improvement of sustainability-related performance of companies and organizations.
SLL are characterized by predefined Sustainability Performance Targets (SPT) based on the borrower’s sustainability performance and strategy. The interest rate will change according to the achievement of the SPT.
Loans are provided in accordance with the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles (SLLP), an international guideline created by the Loan Market Association.
GPSS has signed the first SLL to provide funding towards our goal of realising a sustainable society. We will utilise the proceeds for various projects which contribute to this goal.

SLL Overview

Total Loan Amount 2 billion yen
Lending Dates 30th Sep, 29th Oct, 30th Nov 2021
SPT Linked to Issuance Terms 720,000+ tons of cumulative GHG emissions avoided by 2030
(12 times the amount in 2020)
Contract Period 5 Years
Adviser Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
Press Release Released on 2021/11/30 (only in Japanese)

Verification by a Third-Party Institution

On September 30, 2021, Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) issued a third-party opinion on JA Mitsui Leasing, Ltd.’s SLL to GPSS Holdings, Inc.
For more details, click here (only in Japanese).


The SLLP ensures transparency by having the borrower periodically publish the status of achievement of SPT after the loan is disbursed.

Status of Achievement of SPT in 2023

Cumulative Goal
(by the end of 2023)
Cumulative Performance Result
(by end of 2023)
Achievement status
218,076t‐ CO2 220,388t‐ CO2 Target Achieved

*The data collection period is from January 2014 to December 2023.