GPSS Corporate Culture
Office Environment
We have a unique office designed to inspire our employees and create a refreshing environment. You may experience walking through our office in the map below:
We help our employees grow their careers by providing various development opportunities.
Once every two weeks, GPSS hold “Sustainability Talks” online sessions for one working hour on Fridays among our employees to discuss and learn about topics that are related to sustainability. The sessions’ speakers ranges from outside professionals and from our many talented employees. Every session is recorded and announced for employees who were not available to attend.
To introduce few past themes: “Diversity and Inclusion”, “Guerrilla Rainstorms, Typhoons and Heat-Climate Change”, “How to Deal with Stress: Remote Work and Coronavirus”, “Food Loss”, “LGBTQIA +”, “Looking back on Pride Month” “What is ethical consumption?” “Gender Equality “, etc.
Support for each employee to foster their career skills
For employees who need to improve their language skills in the course of their work, a personal study subsidy program (with maximum limited amount) is available for English or Japanese.
Through dialogue with the Directors, we deepen our understanding of the GPSS philosophy and provide opportunities to reflect on our own way of working.
New employees join a SDG Training conducted by certified SDG facilitators.
This training allows employees to understand the importance and the complexity of Sustainability Development Goals, as well as the role of each individual’s role in creating a sustainable society.
Company Trip
Company Trip
Company Trip
Company Trip
Company Trip
Company Trip
Company Trip